Software MLM básico híbrido

El paquete de software Hybrid Basic MLM tiene casi todos los módulos cruciales integrados de fábrica para ejecutar una plataforma Basic MLM sin problemas.

Unlock Powerful Tools with Basic Hybrid MLM Software – Admin Side Modules

The Basic Hybrid MLM Software includes a variety of complimentary modules that cater to the core needs of network marketers. These MLM Software modules are designed to help you manage your MLM business efficiently from the user side, without any additional cost. Each module is flexible, user-friendly, and integrates seamlessly with the system, enabling smooth onboarding and operation.

These free modules are perfect for beginners or growing MLM businesses, providing all the necessary functionalities to manage an MLM business without any upfront software investment.


    All Joinings Info



    Total Wallets Balance Info



    Business Balance Info



    Total Payouts Info



    Email Info



    User joining Info



    Commission Info



    Top earners



    Top Sponsors



    Recent Activities



    Recent Downline Joining’s



    Package Overview



    Rank Overview



    Service Region Graph



    Referral Link



    Todo Info


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.



Member Management


Profile Management


Busniess Wallet

Package Management

Payout System



Module Manager

Module Manager

  1. Account Status
    •  Activate
    •  Inactive (Suspend Login & Commissions)
    •  Terminate (suspend login, commission, fund transfer & payout)
    •  Custom ( set custom permission for user)
  2.  FAQ
    •  create / update category
    •  add/edit / delete question & answer
  3. Feedback
    •  create multiple feedback form
    • add / edit / delete questions
    • add / edit / delete options

  1. News
    •  create and publish news
    •  Shedule news release
  2.  Payout
    •  Payout settings (manual / by user request)
    •  minimum / maximum withdrawal limit
  3. Genology Tree
    •  Tree avatar based on (default / user avatar )
    •  Tree zoom in
    •  Tree Dragging
    •  Tree Animation
    •  Tree Registration
    •  View Tooltip
    •  Tooltip Info

  1.  Tabular Tree
    •  View Tooltip
    •  Tooltip Info
  2.  Wallet
    •  Payout Request
    •  Fund Transfer
    •  Minimum Amount
    •  Maximum Amount
    •  Fund Transfer Restricted to (Referrals, Placement Downline, Sponsor Downline & allow to all)


  1. System Settings
    •  Company Information
    •  Localization
    •  Mail Configuration
    •  Design
    •  Information Pages
    •  E-mail Templates
    •  General
    •  Payment Gateway
    •  Maintenance Mode

  1.  Module Management
    •  Upload Module
    •  Search Module
    •  Install / Uninstall
    •  Activate / Deactivate
    •  Module Configuration
  2.  Menu Management
  3.  Package Management
  4.  Cron Management
  5.  Themes
  6.  Localization

Unlock Powerful Tools with Basic Hybrid MLM Software – User Side Modules

The Basic Hybrid MLM Software includes a variety of complimentary modules that cater to the core needs of network marketers. These modules are designed to help you manage your MLM business efficiently from the user side, without any additional cost. Each module is flexible, user-friendly, and integrates seamlessly with the system, enabling smooth onboarding and operation.

These free modules are perfect for beginners or growing MLM businesses, providing all the necessary functionalities to manage an MLM business without any upfront software investment.


  1.  Referral / Downline Info
  2.  Total Wallets Balance Info
  3.  Total Payouts Info
  4.  Email Info
  5.  Downline joining Overview
  6.  Commission Info
  7.  Top Downline Earners
  8.  Top Downline Sponsors
  9.  Recent Activities
  10.  Recent Downline Joining’s
  11.  News

Network (Tree)

  1.  Genealogy Tree (Placement / Sponsor)
  2.  Tabular Tree (Placement/Sponsor)
  3.  Member Search
  4.  Locate Member
  5.  Tooltip with Member Info
  6.  Register New Member

Register New Member

  1.  Sponsor and package Info
  2.  Account Details
  3.  Profile Setup
  4.  Confirm and Payment

Profile Management

  1.  Profile Overview
    •  Account Info
    •  Personal Info
    •  Social Info
  2.  Edit Profile
    •  Edit Profile Informations
    •  Change Password
  3. Set Default Language & Currency

E-wallet Management

  1. Current Balance Summery
  2.  Overview
    •  Income/Expense Overview
    •  Transactions
    •  Pay In / Out Overview
  3.  Fund transfer (send)
  4.  Settings
    •  Change Transaction Password
    •  IP Whitelisting


  1. Refferals
  2.  Activity
  3.  Earning
  4.  Binary Points Details (Only For Binary)
  5.  Left-Right Referrals (Only For Binary)

Payout System

  1.  Pending/Released Summery
  2.  Request new payout
  3.  Previous payout Request

Mail Box

  1.  Inbox
  2.  Compose
  3.  Sent
  4.  Reply For Same Mail


  1.  Feedback
  2.  FAQ
  3.  Todo


  1.  Lock Screen
  2.  System Notification